Yvonne Mughal

Yvonne Mughal

Twelve years ago, Yvonne found herself engulfed in a relentless whirlwind of overwhelm and anxiety, often plagued by a trembling sensation in her body. The experience was utterly foreign to her usual self, leaving her bewildered and apprehensive. Two years later, she embarked on a transformative journey through a year-long emotional release therapy course, finding solace and enlightenment in its teachings. However, the tranquility was short-lived as tumultuous family events unfolded, ushering in unforeseen and unwanted outcomes.

Three years later, Yvonne was blindsided when her husband requested a divorce, sending shockwaves through her world. Divorce seemed to be a recurring theme within her family history, echoing through generations and touching the lives of her parents, grandparents, and even three of her own children. The realization left Yvonne feeling isolated, adrift, and overwhelmed, exacerbated by the geographical distance between her and her estranged husband, coupled with the emotional chasm that separated them.

Soon after, a pivotal encounter with Lynette Jones marked a turning point for Yvonne. A beacon of insight and understanding, Lynette introduced her to the intricate nuances of Relate Social Structure. Through this transformative journey, Yvonne began to unravel the complexities of relationship dynamics, uncovering profound insights into herself and her family members. For the first time, she glimpsed a ray of hope, fueled by newfound understanding and empowerment in her quest for relational harmony.

Yvonne continues in her journey of learning and advancing in Relate, working in tandem with Lynette. Employing her honed skills in energy work and a deep understanding of Relate, Yvonne goes beyond reshaping her own family dynamics; she extends her expertise to assist others in uncovering and applying the answers they yearn for in their personal connections.