Love is the Balance of Opposites in Light

To Simplify Love is the song of our hearts

This is the Introduction to a series of articles about What is Love?

I grew up being taught that simply all we need is love. Remember the simple phrase…? “What the world needs now is love, sweet love!” What a simple phrase! And yet, we fail all the time with this simple idea because we are not driven by the power of love. Rather, we live in a world driven by the passion of emotion.

In this series of blog articles, I will explore what love is. I am beginning this journey because as I developed the Relate Social Structure, my understanding of love shifted. That shift changed my perspective on marriage, family, friendship and community.

Defining Love simply

It has been my experience that when you ask a man why he loves his wife, one of the first 5 reasons will include a statement something like this; “I love my wife because she knows everything bad about me and still, she loves me.”

Yet, when asked, “What is Love?”, the normal definitions given include lists of every possible emotional description. Emotions move and shape our lives. Just as email is electronic mail, emotions are electric motion. They are the energy that moves us. Therefore, this begs the question,if love is unconditional and unchanging, through all the torrid and the good, why do we define it with words which define emotion, passion, attraction, mood, and feeling? Is love not action? And action is the way we choose to use electric motion or emotion.

A surprising possibility….

Love is action that brings a Balance of opposites

Is Love a feeling or is it an action? How often have you pondered on this debate? Are there times when you know you are loved by the actions of others? How do you show love? Is is not by your actions? Or is it just by your emotions?

I have wondered at this confusion. So, I began to search for the best truth I could find about Love.

Then I ran across the statement: “Love is not an emotion.” Just prior to finding that article, someone suggested to me, “What if Love is a mediator between the Yin and Yang of emotion?” From that point, this idea of Love not being an emotion certainly began to pop up in a variety of subjects I was studying. The idea of Love as a mediator (just the opposite of being an emotion) appeared to help clarify why Relate Social Structure (or RSS) worked so very well.

Love is simple, in the subconscious,

Relate Social Structure includes three law systems which, by their unique interpretations of life, balance the forces of natural law. In order to have a stable society, those three systems of interpretation of natural law must have equal value. Also, we need to remember that individuals have unique understandings of how to interpret natural law and apply it in their lives. In other words, it would appear that these three systems of interpretation have to do with the way natural law is interpreted by individuals.

Society relies upon all three interpretations, but at no one point in our lives can we obey all three sets of laws at the same time. There will always be a pivot. One of the interpretations will be ignored. The other two of the systems will inspire respect, anchoring themselves in obedience so they can stand stable and steady.

That pivoting action appears to simplify down to one action word: Love.

Balancing Act

Balancing obedience and disobedience seem contradictory to logic. How can we live in obedience and yet disobey. How do we decide which of so many laws made by man….no wait, we must obey all the laws of man…. So, what can we possibly do to understand this opposition? We seem to appear to have a conflict. It is not possible to obey every single law of the Universe, the World, Our own nation as well as the law that we live by in our own lives, families and communities. How do we resolve that conflict. Can we do it without contention?

Through out my life, I have taught there must be opposition in all things to understand conflict. That is the only one logical explanation to explain the idea that obedience and disobedience can be balanced. How can we violate a law, or worse yet, oppose a law and have balance? And if so, how can the violation of law be a good thing? In other words, can we find good in all things? And if we do, what is the moral, ethical and legal structure in which we balance these forms of opposition.

The purpose of a mediator is to balance the laws which seem to oppose each other. Since we often find laws in nature which appear to oppose each other, what force mediates that violation of natural law and ensures all parties are treated fairly? When it was suggested that I see Love as the mediator, it became possible to see opposition as a logical requirement for Love to exist.

Let’s Simplify Love

Opposition and mediators, in my experience, are essential manifestations of love operating in any relationship. Certainly, this apparent conflict poses a question. Therefore, it must be asked: “Is it possible that the Mediator between the law systems in our subconscious RSS is Love?” If this is true, it is possible to simplify the role and purpose of love. Is it possible that the way to simplify Love is to understand that we do not ever need to declare victory of any one law, but rather to apply grace in asking forgiveness so that each System of Laws can be respected and balanced with the others? If no one system of law needs to dominate, will this not simplify Love?

I begin this series of articles by discussing what love is not. I then build on what I do know about love in the context of the RSS. My intent is to show why we love perfectly the imperfect people (us and all living beings) and why they love us back.

I will continue to explore this subject in coming weeks. Stay tuned! Be sure to follow my blog so you will get notices when the next article is posted. All posts are linked to my accounts in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Hi, I’m Lynette Jones